Monday, November 8, 2010

Not much thrills me more than finding a good bargain. Let me clarify, I mean a fantastic, dirt cheap, incredibly LOW price, the type that makes someones jaw drop when they hear just "How much you paid for something" I can't begin to fully describe the excitement that fills my heart when I find such "deals". It's a rush like no others. My favorites...Target, Old Navy (with their extra 50% off the clearance price" and Children's Place Outlet. I mean really i LIVE for these sales (and I'm not joking)

Yesterday, I happened to be talking to one of my sisters. There are 4 of us, and 3 of us share in this bargain obsession. She had just visited Target (in Californa) I'm out in Texas. Halloween stuff was 90% off. Um Hello, guess where I headed (might I add, I visited 2 Targest yesterday) Truthfully, there wasn't too much stuf left, I mean come on it was 90% off. Did I need any of it, NOPE, but I could justify buying and saving it for next year. It's UNREAL the aomout of stuff I purchased. I'll have to go thru and post pictures. Bottom line, I got BAGS of stuff and spent $19.46. I got wigs, pirate accessories, cups, piggy banks and the list goes on. I'll have to post pictures soon.

I've blogged in the past and miss it. I'm hoping this blog will give me a fun way to share my Bargains.

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